A round table discussion on ‘Domestic tourism development/import substitution/perspectives of hotel industry’s development’
30 May 2023
Design Studio by Elena Krylova together with FINEX and SWG companies hosted a special event: a yacht sail combined with a press conference for the…

Our project in ‘Vedomosti. How to spend’
30 April 2023
Magazin ‘How to spend’ told about our project the largest in Europe indoor small-arms complex Target Point, noting that the space was completely equipped not…

Hospitality Business Day in Moscow
25 April 2023
Our art-director Elena Krylova made a speech at Hospitality Business Day in Moscow. Elena looked at design as a marketing tool, talked about the multifunctionality…

The 61st Salone del Mobile.Milano 2023
22 April 2023
More than 2000 brands from 38 countries took part in the exhibition! Everybody was expecting the Russian designers and everyone expressed their desire to work…

HoReCa Workshop
17 April 2023
At the HoReCa Workshop in Polytechnic University of Milan (the 6th place according to the international ranking of universities of design and architecture) Elena was…

Hospitality Business Day in St.Petersburg
06 April 2023
How to create interior that is to be famous Precisely this was the topic of Elena Krylova`s talk at the “Hospitality Business Day» conference in…

Mosbild 2023
29 March 2023
Salon Magazine held a public talk with art-director of our studio within the MosBuild 2023 exhibition. Elena told about the design-code of public spaces as…

Russian Hospitality Awards
09 March 2023
Our Design Studio is the official partner of @russian_hospitality_awards for the year. On March 6th we designed a special zone at the Hospitable business conference…

04 March 2023
Our design studio attended in HOSPITALITY INTERIOR DESIGN FORUM in Cairo. Three days full non-stop seminars, networkings, discussions, meetings and presentations. On-going learning and continuous communication…

Supplier of the year!
29 November 2022
Our Design Studio has been awarded the Supplier of the year 2022 by National Hotel Awards! That means we are the best in hotel design,…

On September 19th a press-conference dedicated to the inauguration of the small-arms complex Target Point took place in Usadba Ohotnika (Huntsman estate).
05 October 2022
Target Point is the largest indoor small-arms complex both in Russia and Europe. Journalists and bloggers from major media were introduced to the concept of…

High profile magazine Salon interior published a cover-story about the Small-Arms complex Target point
17 August 2022
The largest in Europe indoor small-arms complex Target Point was opened to visitors in May 2022 on the premises of the boutique hotel Usadba Ohotnika…

VIII award ceremony of the best hotels of the country Russian Hospitality Awards 2021 took place on 27 May in Radisson Blu Olympiysky Hotel Moscow
27 May 2022
VIII award ceremony of the best hotels of the country Russian Hospitality Awards 2021 took place on 27 May in Radisson Blu Olympiysky Hotel Moscow….

Design studio’s project published in the summer issue of LUXURY HOME
27 April 2022
Read about our completed project – Moscow restaurant “Black Sea” – in the summer issue of the magazine LUXURY HOME

Official design-partner of the Russian Hospitality Awards
10 April 2022
We are happy to announce that our studio has become an official partner of the Russian Hospitality Awards. The annual awards ceremony for the best…

Biggest center of sberbank
29 September 2019
The head of Sberbank German Gref, Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich, Minister of Communications and Mass Communications Nikolai Nikiforov and Skolkovo President Viktor Vekselberg took…